Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Moving right along!

Nothing much has been going on the past few weeks. Stopped my birth control on Nov 13th and waited for my period to show. She came on Sunday and I went yesterday to do all of my day 2 medical stuffs, which included a U/S and bloodwork. Found out today that I get to start my meds : D  .. So I take 6 pills a day.. fun.. at least they are small, smaller than a BCP. On Nov 30th I go for another U/S and hopefully my lining is nice and fluffy for the embryo transfer which is still scheduled for Dec 7th.

I can't believe how quickly things seem to be going! This is the time when I start getting nervous and anxious. Everyone in my life that needs to know, knows and I have no negative feedback this time! Yay. Wish I had blogged about my last experience with my mom and her friend's reactions.

I haven't heard from IM in a few days.. I hope everything is ok on her end.

I think that's it for now! I will be able to hopefully update more as we get closer to transfer!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

too long between posts

So apparently I have done it again! I just can't seem to get my shit together and keep this updated!

I lost this account briefly as I had apparently had given a birthday which made me less than 13.. so my account was locked. But I got it back :D

Now my updates :)

I had decided to fill out my application to become a surrogate, again, back in August. Before I was even able to finish the forms Leia matched me with an awesome couple from PEI. They have one daughter and due to complications from a miscarriage, were no longer able to carry a child. And this is where I come in :)

We emailed quite frequently while we got contracts set up and initial blood work done. I got to know her and her family :)

I stopped breastfeeding Abby at the beginning of October. She really wasn't drinking all that much and was much more interested it food, so it was ok :)

So, where are we now ?
I have been in touch with Create (the fertility clinic in Toronto) and we have everything set up! IM and I are currently on birth control pills and will stop them on nov 13th, and wait for my period to arrive.  At which point I will be going to get an ultrasound and bloodwork. And if everything there looks good, I will be starting Estrace! This is used to thicken my uterine lining to make it nice and fluffy for some embryos. After 10 days on meds I will get another ultrasound to check on the fluffiness and hopefully transfer on Dec 7th. That is also dependant on how IM does on her meds. We may transfer sooner or later. I start on antibiotics, 3 days before transfer and that's also when I start the progesterone injections. FUN! I actually never minded the shots and I give them myself so I don't have to worry about someone taking their anger out on me :P

I am going to try and update weekly, if not more depending on what is going on! I can't wait for this to happen! I love creating new life, and helping people fulfill their dreams is an honor.

Here's to everything going smoothly!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Just the beginning

OK! So I am going to try this again! I completely failed my last journey to keep everything updated but I really want to keep a blog this time around!

I am in the process of filling out the surro application form, which is more just a form with questions about me so the parents can go through quickly and find their surro. I suck at wording so this should be interesting to write!
As I started to fill out my forms Leia (from Canadian Fertility Consultants) emailed me about a couple she has waiting in PEI. This has gotten me so excited! I however am still breastfeeding so I haven't had a cycle so I have to wait until Abby is done with breastfeeding. Which I am in no hurry to end.

While I am waiting for Abby to wean I will be trying to get in shape and lose a little weight so I can be a little healthier for this next pregnancy. My last two pregnancies were very close together and a little hard on my body, so hopefully this time around will be better :)

Well Ta-ta for now!!